Easter In Dunphyland


In the past few months - these littles are becoming well, less little & more big!
& I would very much like for someone (else) to tell them to slow down.

I suppose we cold give W a break, he didn't start off so teeny-tiny - in fact he started off round & yummy!

need a reminder? - well ok! 

le sigh - how has almost 4 months past already?

Alright, present day - this past weekend was (as you all know) Easter & I snagged some adorable duds for my littles from none other than Daydream Believers!

Emma's THING was always hair bows - and Weston's will absolutely be bow ties (& ties)  - we love them.. on tshirts & onsies & even naked ;)

(nothing better than a maize & blue tie)

I was lucky enough to spend a long weekend with these 3 (& some of our fabulous friends here that invited us to share the holiday with them).

& who could not love these three? ugh my heart skips a beat daily!

We hope everyone had an awesome holiday weekend, like we did!

see ya soon!


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